Kolozsvári Magyar Történeti Intézet
Department of Medieval History, Modern History, Archives and Library Science
Judit PÁL, PhD, professor
Enikő RÜSZ-FOGARASI, PhD, professor
Gábor SIPOS, PhD, professor emeritus
Mária-Magdolna LUPESCU, PhD, associate professor, head of the department
Róbert-Miklós NAGY, PhD, associate professor
Andrea FEHÉR, PhD, senior lecturer
Associated professors
Péter ERDŐSI, PhD,
Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of History, Atelier Europian Social Science és History Science Department
Csaba Rezső BORSODI, PhD, associate professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of History
Tamás KÖRMENDI, PhD, associate professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of History
Adjunct Teachers
Zsolt BOGDÁNDI, PhD, researcher, Transylvanian Museum Society
Ágnes FLÓRA, PhD, archivist, Romanian National Archives, Department of Cluj District
Emőke GÁLFI, PhD, researcher, Transylvanian Museum Society
Géza HEGYI, MA, researcher, Transylvanian Museum Society
Anikó SZÁSZ, PhD, researcher, Transylvanian Museum Society
András W. KOVÁCS, researcher, Transylvanian Museum Society